Let the world match your energy.
Not the other way around.
Get out from under the influence of limiting external authority.
Learn how to access your deepest internal guidance.
Shift into alignment with your highest good.
Increase your impact and influence, potently and palpably.
Gain access to consistent, inexhaustible sources of inspiration.
Uncover a new level of clarity and motivation.
Learn how to read energy, like a pro.
Align with and learn to deeply trust diving timing.
Discover what it feels like to be an inspirational role model.
Come more fully into your sovereign dignity.
Claim and understand the power of your instincts and intuition.
Understand how and why you want to lead with feminine energy.

- Being able to say, with passion and conviction, “I LOVE MY LIFE!”
- Never again beating yourself up or accepting when people diminish you.
- Feeling like life is unequivocally on your side.
- Becoming lighter, as you unlock YOUR magic.
- Trusting your inner guidance with total confidence.
- Wondering at the luck and serendipity that continuously comes your way.
- Knowing, in the depths of your being, how powerful you really are.
By the end of this course you will be on a path to having more clarity about how to get aligned with what you want right now. You will know exactly how to discern if you’re working on something that is life-giving or life-draining. You will gain access to your divine energy and you will discover what it feels like to take on being an inspirational role model, not by default, but as an enlightened and ambitious “priestess” of what is possible.
In this 5 week course we will uncover and access your divine inner guidance, and you will put it to use as a super potent motivational tool to give you a deeply rooted unshakable space to channel inspired action. This is the kind of action that leads to your most powerful work in the world. This is the kind of alignment that makes all the difference.
If you sign up for the 6 week Voxer chat support, my feedback will be especially powerful and life-changing, as you do this course. Especially when you are tempted, (because you will be), to go back to seeking ordinary outcomes, being “realistic” at the expense of your dignity, and relying on the familiar feelings of playing small, overworking or overthinking things.
This program is for you, if you are ready to shift powerfully into producing amazing results with ease and flow. Results that feel miraculous. If you are done listening to people who can’t share your dreams, who want you to suffer and overwork, because that is the only way they know. If you are ready to have all the success without all the stress.
If you have tried to create something new for your life, perhaps multiple times, and have not yet achieved it. If you have the desire, but can’t figure out how to get there without beating yourself up along the way –– and you don’t want to live that way anymore.
If you want pleasure AND performance. You need to master energy — not circumstances. Your best life falls into place when you get your eye on the actual ball in the real game of life. And learn to hit THAT out of the park, again and again.
“Kylin, I'm having the time of my life. Honestly, I am making it so magical and that is where I feel like the real growth has been. It feels really beautiful to start getting calibrated to this mode. This is my status now. I feel SO great. My soul, my body, my heart, my mind, all of it can breathe. Which is really beautiful. Now I can just go and enjoy, be light, and have such a phenomenal time just being.”